Youth course content
Summer Session
مادة اللغة العربية (كتاب النورانية)
- الدرس الأول: (حروف الهجاء المفردة).
- الدرس الثاني: (حروف الهجاء المركبة).
- الدرس الثاني: (حروف الهجاء المركبة).
- الدرس الثالث: (حروف المقطعة).
- الدرس الرابع: (الحروف المتحركة الحركات).
- الدرس الخامس: (الحروف المنونة التنوين).
- الدرس السادس: (تدريبات على الحركات و التنوين).
- الدرس السابع و الثامن: (حروف المد واللين).
- الدرس التاسع: (تدريبات).
- الدرس العاشر والحادي عشر: (السكون و تدريبات).
- الدرس الحادي عشر: (تدريبات على السكون).
- الدرس الحادي عشر والثاني عشر: (الشدة).
- الدرس الثالث عشر: (تدريبات على الشدة).
- الدرس الرابع عشر: (تدريبات على الشدة و السكون).
- الدرس السادس عشر: (تدريبات على الشدة و السكون مع المد).
- الدرس الأخير: (تدريبات على ما سبق).
- تدريبات عامة.
The Qur'an and Its Interpretation
- Sûrah 1. Al-Fâtihah.
- Sûrah 114. An-Nâs (Mankind).
- Sûrah 113. Al-Falaq (The Daybreak).
- Sûrah 112. Al-Ikhlâs (The Sincerity).
- Sûrah 111. Al-Masad (The Palm Fibre).
- Sûrah 110. An-Nasr (The Victory/Divine Support).
- Sûrah 109. Al-Kaafiroon (The Disbelievers).
- Sûrah 108. Al-Kauthar (A River in Paradise).
- Sûrah 107. Al- Mâ‘ûn (The Small Kindnesses).
- Sûrah 106. Quraysh (Quraish).
- Sûrah 105. Al-Feel (The Elephant).
- Sûrah 104. Al-Humazah (The Slanderer).
- Sûrah 103. Al-‘Asr (Time).
- Ayat al-Kursi [Surah al-Baqarah 2 verse 255].
- The Three Fundamental Principles every servant (of Allāh) must know.
- Proofs for the Three Fundamental Principles.
- Worship and what opposes it in terms of Shirk.
- Some Type of Worship & the Conditions of the Acceptance of Worship.
- The Meaning of the Two Testimonies of Faith.
- “Laa ilaaha illa Allāh” and its Conditions.
- Allāh’s Names and Attributes.
- Examples of Allāh’s Attributes: Allāh’s Highness - The Believers seeing Allāh - The Hand of Allāh - The The Face of Allah.
- Be a Serious Salafi: Fundamentals of Ahl-us-Sunnah (the People of the Sunnah) - Giving Precedence to the Qur’ān and Sunnah - Respecting Islamic Scholars - Hearing and Obeying the Muslim Rulers and the Impermissibility of Going Out Against them.
Fiqh ( Jurisprudence )
- Obligations of Wudoo’.
- Things that break Wudoo’.
- The Importance of Prayer .
- The Description of the Prayer.
- Completion of the Description of the Prayer.
- The Tashahhud and Sending Salaat Upon the Prophet.
- Prayer Times .
- Voluntary Prayers .
Prophetic Hadith
- Hadeeth [1].
- Hadeeth [2].
- Hadeeth [3].
- Hadeeth [4].
- Hadeeth [5].
- Hadeeth [6].
- Hadeeth [7].
- Hadeeth [8].
- General Manners.
- Good Manners In Dealing With People.
- Manners of Hygiene and Cleanliness.
- Manners of Eating and Drinking.
- Manners of Du’aa (Supplicating to Allah).
- Manners of Joking .
- The Proper Manners of Gatherings.
- The Etiquettes of Speech.
Biography of the Prophet
- Knowing the Messenger.
- The Sending of the Prophet ﷺ and His Prophethood.
- The Prophet ﷺ in Madinah.
- The Farewell Pilgrimage and the Prophet’s death ﷺ.
- The Prophet’s ﷺ Characteristics.
- The Message of the Prophet ﷺ is Complete & Covers Everything.
- The Generality of the Prophet’s ﷺ Message.
- The Call of the Messengers ﷺ.
Authentic Supplications
- The Benefits of Invocations.
- The Supplication to Enter the masjid and to Exit from it.
- The Supplication to Enter the home and to Exit from it.
- The Supplication to Enter the Restroom and to Exit from it.
- Invocations of the Morning and Evening.
- Supplications after Sneezing.
- Supplications for sleeping and waking up.